Liposuction for a consistent & healthy body

Dispose the fat and get the perfect body

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a simple surgery, in which all stubborn accumulated fat is removed from different body parts, so it is not limited to a specific area, it can be done to remove all accumulated fat in various body parts. 

Today, Liposuction is considered as the ultimate solution to removing stubborn fat. As the new technology has provided us with various techniques to make this cosmetic procedure easier, faster, and more effective. Vaser is the latest used technique of it all.

Vaser is based on breaking down the accumulated fat in different body parts, then it sucks it out of the body, afterwards, the skin in areas where the fat has been removed is tightened. That way the patient gets a slim fit body-figure, free from fat accumulations and skin sagging.

Candidates for Liposuction

Tummy Tuck is the best solution to get the great body figure, yet, before going through it, there are few conditions you’ve got to have first, which are:

  1. Those who are healthy, have no specific diseases to prevent them from undergoing Liposuction operation.
  2. Those who are healthy, and want to have the perfect slim body- figure.
  3. Women who suffer from sagging and stubborn fat lumps due to pregnancy.
  4. Those who suffer from fat accumulation in different body parts.

Pre-Liposuction Instructions

There is a list of instructions you need to follow to ensure your safety during the cosmetic operation, as well as the success of your operation.

Which are:

  1. Eat a healthy balanced nutrition for a sufficient time before the operation, to avoid any complications during the operation.
  2. Abstain from all kinds of stimulants, and Alcohol for two weeks minimum, as they prevent the anesthesia process.
  3. Abstain from all blood diluting drugs, such as; Ibuprofen, and Multi- Vitamine Group, for they contain (A,E), minimum a week before.
  4. Abstain from smoking a month before Liposuction operation, as it affects Oxygen level which is crucial for the healing process.
  5. Refrain from natural blood-diluting drinks, such as green tea, raspberry juice and pineapple.

Liposuction stages

Liposuction is performed under general anesthesia, and it takes between an hour to three hours, according to the amount of fat required to be removed.
Step 1: Anesthesia
Liposuction is performed under general anesthesia.
Step 2: Opening the incisions
The doctor open small incisions in the targeted areas, also, the doctor hides these incisions in the natural curve- lines in the body so it won’t leave a scars
Step 3: Liposuction
The doctor enters the Cannula which is connected to a tube in the middle of the fatty accumulations, which in turn head into deeper fatty layers, then the Vaser can break down the fat and pull it through the tube while the patient gets alternative fluids.
Step 4: Closing The Incisions
The doctor closes the incisions with soluble and removable cosmetic filaments. The threads are often removed after a period of ten days to two weeks.

Post- Liposuction Instructions

The doctor will dictate you a list of very important tips and instructions that you need to commit to, to get the best results, which are; 

  1. Maintain wearing the medical corset, to reduce swelling, and to accelerate the healing process, eight weeks minimum.
  2. Abstain from smoking, for two months after the operation, to accelerate the recovery process.
  3. Stay away from doing any efforts, or carry heavy things, to maintain tissue safety, for two months minimum.
  4. Commit to a healthy balanced diet, reach in protein and vitamins.
  5. Avoid itching the areas where fat was removed, as possible as you can.
  6. Stay away from heat and direct high sun rays, for a week at least after the operation.
  7. Take the antibiotics the doctor prescribed for you. 


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